Date 05/13/24
May release of Imagimob Studio
New Features
Data Tab: You can now manage and organize data in the Data Pane table using the following features:
- Auto-generated columns are created from the folder structure when you import data. This should prove very useful as the information you have there is now brought into your project. If, for example, you have organized your data in terms of quality, type, environment, etc., all of that now appears as columns that make it possible to find, filter, search and edit based on this information.
- Custom columns mean that you can add new columns on-the-fly to your project, in order to add more information. For example, add a "labeled by" column to add your name whenever you label a session.
Improved UI of Add Data and Edit Tracks dialogs to prevent information from not being possible to scroll into view.
Improved performance of filters in Data Tab
Overall bug fixes and increased stability
Ready more about this release here.