A decade ago, the average person hadn’t heard of machine learning. Now, it seems you cannot go a day without hearing of some new application or innovation - it’s finding its way into everything! Agile startups are taking the industry by storm, and traditional companies are searching everywhere for transitional innovation. In this blog, System Application Engineer Lukas Wirkestrand presents DEEPCRAFT™ Starter Models, from what they are to the ways that they can help get your ideas into production - regardless of your scope.
As you may already know, DEEPCRAFT™ Studio is our platform for building machine learning models optimized for the edge, free for anyone to play around in and compatible with any time-series sensor data. DEEPCRAFT™ Starter Models are directly downloadable in DEEPCRAFT™ Studio, and include a project that you can build upon and adapt to your own needs. They are also accompanied by a set of relevant data, lowering the barrier of entry for Edge AI model creation. Finally, they contain a defined preprocessor and model architecture, tailored (although not always optimized) to the use case. Even if the models available don’t match your exact needs, you can use them for a solid dataset for background noise or as inspiration on how a preprocessor for a CAPSENSE™ model might look. Each Starter Model comes equipped with a README, providing clear instructions on how more data can be collected and which steps are needed to get the model into production.
When learning how to use DEEPCRAFT™ Studio, using Imagimob's internal models as a reference and guide to further model-sculpting skills can help immensely. Now, those models have been polished into DEEPCRAFT™ Starter Models, available to any users of DEEPCRAFT™ Studio. With Starter Models available to showcase how the process might look for different sensors, new users are able to quickly acquaint themselves with the software and start thinking about how they might use the increasingly powerful tools within Edge AI to create their next products.
At launch, Imagimob offers 12 Starter Models. More models will be added regularly, for new interesting use cases. Today developers can make use of:
Audio-based: Baby Cry Detection, Siren Detection, Home Sounds Detection, Chainsaw Detection, Gunshot Detection, Keyword Detection, and Drill Material Detection
IMU: Drill Material Detection, Fall Detection, Anomaly Detection, and Human Activity
CAPSENSE™: Touch Detection
If any of these catch your eye, all you need to do is download DEEPCRAFT™ Studio and try them out for yourself. All of them are easy to run on the PSOC™ 6 AI Evaluation Kit, which you can purchase for less than $40. The AI Evaluation Kit contains both a microphone and an IMU sensor to easily stream data, allowing you to add your own data to bolster the models. Adding more data relevant to your use case is a core concept behind these models; they are not intended to be immediately pushed into production - if you're looking for that you can check out our DEEPCRAFT™ Ready Models.
In conclusion, if you’ve been on the fence about testing out Edge AI, now the barrier of entry is lower than ever! A host of previous experiences are available to learn from, tailored datasets are easily downloadable, and easily expandable project files are accessible for up to twelve different models - and growing! Read more about DEEPCRAFT™ Starter Models here.
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